Across the country, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) people have a harder time accessing healthcare, obtaining employment, and securing housing. The LGBTQ+ community is more likely to struggle in purchasing homes and face higher rates of homelessness, in part because of discrimination and bias from landlords, sellers, and community members.

Discrimination may arise from real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity, but can be compounded by discrimination on the bases of race, ethnicity or disability. As if buying a home weren’t daunting enough, the fear of and reality of discrimination only add to the challenge of finding a home.

LGBTQ+ people experience higher rates of homelessness. Individuals most vulnerable are LGBTQ+ youth ages 18-25, who are many times kicked out by their families. A 2020 UCLA study explains that “seventeen percent of sexual minority adults have experienced homelessness in their lives, as compared to six percent of cisgender straight people.” Highlighting this disparity alerts others of the challenges faced by the LGBTQ community and why it is so important to have protective legislation in place.

When renting, LGBTQ people face higher rejection rates, unfair rental terms, and even denial of housing altogether. In some cases, landlords may refuse to rent to queer individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. When it comes to purchasing, financial institutions in the past have used discriminatory lending practices that make it harder for LGBTQ individuals to obtain mortgages or loans. Discrimination can also manifest as fewer options for housing assistance and limited access to affordable housing programs.

In New Jersey, these practices are illegal and there are actions you and your real estate agent can take to stop this type of discrimination from happening.

While not all American states have laws in place to protect the LGBTQ+ community from discrimination, New Jersey does. In our state, we are fortunate to have laws that explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity beyond the basic protections provided by the Fair Housing Act. The state is also diligently enforcing inclusivity. New Jersey is one of six states to pass legislation that requires public schools to include an LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum, and as of April 4th 2023 , Governor Murphy signed an executive order to protect gender-affirming healthcare alongside representatives from LGBTQ+ activist groups like Garden State Equality and Bridges4Life.

Agents at THE BLREA are committed to providing fair opportunities and are aware of discrimination. All agents are required to complete Code of Ethics training to protect the interests of our clients and to not discriminate based on race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, disability, or other protected statuses. Allowing us to continue to advocate for inclusivity and encourage change not only in New Jersey, but other states as well. 


Discrimination based on someone’s sexuality and gender identity is illegal and in New Jersey, there are laws that protect these individuals. At THE BLREA, our Agents are prepared to help our clients navigate any challenges they may face in securing housing.  We emphasize the need for housing justice. Our Agents are expected to not just know these laws – like the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) – but to understand the history and injustices that made these laws necessary in the first place.

Our Agents learn how to identify bias in real time and address these concerns because housing is a human right. We urge all real estate agencies and other real estate professionals to do the same. Together, we can work diligently to provide our LGBTQ+ neighbors with the same great housing opportunities available to all in New Jersey.

Happy Pride Month!

From Beverly Lyons 

+ The Team at THE BLREA

Places you can donate to and learn more about the LGBTQ community in New Jersey :– Edge NJ – Garden State Equality – Hudson Pride Center – HiTOPS

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